Our Waxing Services

With over a decade of experience in waxing, we ensure that our clients get the absolutely best Brazilian Bikini wax treatment. Through the use of soft organic waxes and numbing sprays, we apply our own technique that is most comfortable for you and does not take up too much of your time. The result is a quick treatment that is less painful and causes less skin damage in comparison to ordinary hard waxes.

Our standards for your comfort apply to all of our waxing services.

Ladies Pricelist

Price (per treatment)
Brazilian Bikini$55
Bikini Line$50
Upper Lip$15
Full Face$55
Upper or Lower Arms$42
Full Arms$52
Upper or Lower Legs$48
Full Legs$75
Full Legs & Bikini$95
Full Legs & Brazilian$105
Upper Legs & Bikini Line$80
Upper Legs & Brazilian$85

Mens Pricelist

Price (per treatment)
Brazilian Bikini$95
Bikini Line$75
Full Arms$75
Upper or Lower Legs$65
Full Legs$99
Full Legs & Bikini$115
Full Legs & Brazilian$155
Back & Front$120

Our Waxing Machines: Designed and Built in Toronto

Over the last five years we have helped to test and develop a modern solution to safe and hygienic waxing.

The DispoWax Waxing System prevents common problems when dealing with wax, such as re-use of spatulas, double-dipping and temperature changes in the wax itself.

Instead, we take just the right amount of wax for you, and throw away the cup and spatulas once your treatment is complete. The temperature of the wax is precisely regulated and remains constant throughout your treatment, so you do not experience any sudden heat rises when the wax is applied.

Today, we exclusively use the DispoWax for all of our waxing services. Below is a short video demonstration of this system:

For more information about DispoWax, please visit the manufacturer's website.

Quality Results, No Nonsense, No Packages

Our no-package approach means that you do not have to pay upfront for a number of treatments, and instead have the freedom to pay for individual treatments as you go. This is more affordable and gives clients more flexibility in choosing the kinds of services they wish to have performed each time.

Contact Us

Feel free to call us if you would like to book an appointment or if you have any questions. Consultations are free of charge. Please note that we have a 24-hour appointment cancellation policy.

Working Hours

Tuesday – Thursday: 11am – 7:30pm

Friday: 10am – 6pm

Saturday: 10am – 5pm

Sunday/Monday: Closed
Reach us by phone and email

Telephone & Email

(416) 360-6700

[email protected]

Our Location

Unit 406 @ 73 Richmond Street W.

Toronto · ON · Canada · M5H 4E8

Directions from Queen Subway Station

Exit subway on Queen Street.

Walk west towards Bay Street, then south towards Richmond Street.

Turn west again on Richmond Street and walk until you see the 73 Graphics Arts Building.

Paid Parking Available

We recommend parking across our building at 22 Sheppard Street in the underground Impark parkade.

Additional parking available at the Old City Hall west of Queen St. & Bay St.